No guarantees that we won't still have more snow (and the shadiest corner of the back yard still has a rather impressive snow bank), but we've finally started to have some occasional springlike weather. The baseball season has started (quick, somebody tell the Red Sox!) and outdoor activities are possible without a coat. Here's a video of G getting ready for T-ball, which I believe will be starting soon.
I'm not sure that video will work. It doesn't work in the edit window where I am creating this post, but it meets all the criteria listed by Blogger so I don't know why. I'll go ahead an publish and see if it works after that. If not, I'll try to figure out how to make it work for you later.
G's mom is out of town on a business trip all week, so I'll be Mr. Mom this week. Of course, things are really heating up on my major project at work right now. For a while it looked like things would be delayed enough that I could safely take the whole week off, but as it is I will be working a short day tomorrow and probably Wednesday and maybe working from home for much of the rest of the week. I'm still looking forward to not having to drive out to Peabody every day this week.
I almost forgot the other big news of the weekend. We've had a new addition to the family. Here he is:
Meet Tigerra the hamster. (I lobbied for Harry and/or Agent H, but I guess I lost.) I think the picture came out pretty good, and I hope so because I'm afraid I blinded the poor critter taking it.
Update: The video works for me now. Let me know if you have trouble viewing it.
3 hours ago